There are many people who go through life with no sense of direction or goals. Then there are some who have a goal and can go to any lengths to achieve them. They have an inner calling that makes them so dedicated that nothing can dim the fire inside. But this is not about those people either. People can’t be divided into just black and white, there is a whole range of grey shade in between.
The grey shade area is for all those who keep oscillating between driven one moment and laid back the other day. They might be procrastinating or simply are day-dreaming, but is there a way to help them? But then do they need any one’s help? If being driven (just not enough to follow your dream) is a problem, then so be it.
I have been told that I am full of capabilities and yet, I can’t get out of bed some days. Other days my head is buzzing with ideas that I do not know where to even start. And the very next moment, I am over whelmed with it all. It amazes me that creativity just flows for a lot of people. They can spend the entire night creating something and I pick up my tools and I start getting sleepy. Does it mean that I am not finding my own self challenging enough? Does it mean that I can’t achieve anything? Here are things I am trying to move in some direction; be it up, forward or even in circles-
1. Acceptance
It may not exactly be a problem; it is how you are built. If I could change it, I would have changed it to be on one side. It is not a problem to which I need to find a solution. As long as my mood swings/ behavioral up and down does not harm anyone, I can be so. But a line needs to be drawn when my pendulum movement affects my commitments. There it becomes a bit of problem that needs to be solved.
2. Quit trying to fit in
We all are different and, in that sense, we are also the same. But why do we need to put ourselves into a category and then act accordingly. Believing that I am who I am is the best category to be in. Define and re-invent yourself every day. Be better than your own version (or worse). But never regret the decision you took that day.
3. Move on
We all make mistakes, sometimes they are blunders, sometimes an oversight. But thinking about it, continuously living it again and again is far much worse. This way you are giving more energy to what should not have been, rather than what should come next. If you think, you made a mistake, fret not, just move ahead and take the next step. If the task requires another action, then you may take that road to try an alternative.
Regret is the biggest enemy. Because we end up either gathering pity or re living our past actions, people like me in the grey area are stuck there. The point being where do you want to be? Do you wish to move in other areas or do you want to do your best and be grateful that you did something.
The most important thing to remember always is that your actions may define you but what you see in the mirror is what is important. I may be white or black or still in the darkest range of grey shade and very little in the lighter side; I am responsible for my actions and I am accountable for it. I may take a step tomorrow or even today. I am worried about where I am and want so much more. But I will get there someday. I might take detours or some step backs. But they are mine.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks. When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.